Vincent Stimper

ML Researcher @ Isomorphic Labs | PhD from Cambridge | Previously at Microsoft, Amazon, MPI-IS


Machine Learning Research Scientist

Isomorphic Labs

Lausanne, Switzerland

I’m a Machine Learning Research Scientist at the Google DeepMind’s sister company Isomorphic Labs. We are using machine learning to develop novel drugs for challenging diseases.

Before joining Iso in 2024, I did my PhD in machine learning at the University of Cambridge and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. Being co-supervised by Prof. José Miguel Hernández-Lobato and Prof. Bernhard Schölkopf, I worked on generative models for molecular configurations as well as causal representation learning and computer vision. I obtained my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Physics from the Technical University of Munich in the years 2017 and 2019, respectively.

While studying, I completed internships in machine learning research at Microsoft, Amazon, and the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research.

Besides work, I enjoy endurance sport, especially cycling, running, and hiking.


Jun 10, 2024 I joined Isomorphic Labs as a Machine Learning Research Scientist.
Jun 07, 2024 I had my PhD viva and passed without corrections :tada:

selected publications

  1. 202312_eacf.png
    SE(3) Equivariant Augmented Coupling Flows
    Laurence I. Midgley*, Vincent Stimper*, Javier Antorán*, and 3 more authors
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2023), Dec 2023
    *equal contribution
  2. 202305_fab.png
    Flow Annealed Importance Sampling Bootstrap
    L. I. Midgley*, V. Stimper*, G. N. C. Simm, and 2 more authors
    Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2023
    *equal contribution